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30th Anniversary of CODOFIL (1998)

Louisiana: The State We're In



Genre: Newsmagazine

Place Covered: Louisiana

Copyright Holder: Louisiana Educational Television Authority

Date Issued: 1998-01-30

Duration: 00:13:38

Subjects: French language | Council for the Development of French in Louisiana


  • Collins, Robert Host
  • Baker, Diana Reporter
  • Richard, Zachary Speaker
  • Perrin, Warren Speaker
  • Ancelet, Barry Speaker
  • Cheramie, David Speaker
  • Arceneaux, William Interviewee


This segment from the January 30, 1998, episode of the series “Louisiana: The State We’re In” features Diana Baker’s report on the 30th anniversary of CODOFIL, the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana. She highlights CODOFIL’s efforts to preserve the French language in Louisiana, including French immersion programs in schools. Her report includes comments by: Zachary Richard, Cajun musician; Warren Perrin, former CODOFIL director; Barry Ancelet, Cajun folklorist and professor at the University of Southwestern Louisiana; and David Cheramie, CODOFIL’s new director. Host Robert Collins then conducts an in-studio interview with Dr. William Arceneaux of the CODOFIL Foundation. He discusses the past and future of CODOFIL.