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Urban Forests (1998)

Louisiana: The State We're In



Genre: Newsmagazine

Place Covered: Louisiana

Copyright Holder: Louisiana Educational Television Authority

Date Issued: 1998-01-16

Duration: 00:10:15

Subjects: Environment | TREES | Nature | Urban forestry


  • Collins, Robert Host
  • Baker, Diana Reporter
  • Roundtree, Rowan Interviewee
  • Chameides, William Interviewee
  • Schwab, James Interviewee
  • McPherson, Greg Interviewee
  • Morris, Lynn Interviewee
  • Phills, Bobby Interviewee
  • Morial, Marc Interviewee
  • Schaefer, Ralph Interviewee
  • Adams, Carol Interviewee


This segment from the January 16, 1998, episode of the series “Louisiana: The State We’re In” features Diana Baker’s report on the importance of urban forests in Louisiana’s cities. She interviews: Rowan Roundtree, United States Forest Service; William Chameides, earth sciences professor; James Schwab, urban planner; Greg McPherson, forestry researcher; Lynn Morris, Baton Rouge Green; Bobby Phills, Southern University agriculture dean; New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial; Ralph Schaefer, New Orleans Parks Department; Carol Adams, public housing authority. Host: Robert Collins