State Sen. Ben Nevers (2014)
The Press Club
Genre: Public Affairs, News, Speech
Place Covered: Louisiana
Copyright Holder: Louisiana Educational Television Authority
Date Issued: 2014-04-14
Duration: 00:27:18
Subjects: BATON ROUGE PRESS CLUB | Nevers, Ben W. | State legislators | MEDICAID | MEDICARE | Mental Health | Health Care | State Budget Cuts | City of St. George Incorporation Effort | Education | School choice
- Nevers, Ben Speaker
A speech by State Senator Ben Nevers before the Baton Rouge Press Club on April 14, 2014. He discusses: the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ recent announcement that they will be deferring $307 million in Medicaid and Medicare payments; the inadequate care for mental health patients; the possibility of hospital closures and budget cuts to higher education; his upcoming bill that will allow citizens to vote on whether or not to accept federal Medicaid dollars; the proposed community of St. George in East Baton Rouge Parish; and school choice.